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Riana Hiramatsu

Student ('22 speaker) 
"One high-five, endless meanings"

High-fives are something we commonly do, yet rarely discuss. The act of two people's palms slapping against each other: an action so ubiquitous and innate, yet we undermine its significance. Despite its ubiquity, 18-year old Riana will be dissecting the covert significance of this quotidian action, and even drawing upon evolutionary explanations. In the end, she hopes to remind the audience to explore the deeper meaning in actions even ordinary to us.

Riana Hiramatsu's TEDx Talk:

One high-five, endless meanings | Riana Hiramatsu | TEDxSeisenInternationalSchool

One high-five, endless meanings | Riana Hiramatsu | TEDxSeisenInternationalSchool

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Riana Hiramatsu
"One high-five, endless meanings"
Posted May 21, 2022
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