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EunBin Seo 

Student ('22 speaker) 
"My lessons from ramming my head on the ground"

Chloe, or EunBin, is a 17-year-old student who was born in South Korea. Throughout her life, she experienced three major changes in her surroundings where she constantly had to adjust to new cultures and learn new languages. Then just when she began settling in a Korean local middle school after various struggles, she is told that she will be joining Seisen, a school that embraces international cultures and provides learning in English. Chloe will be speaking about her journey and takeaways of adjusting to her new school, Seisen, by overcoming countless challenges, whether they were great and small. As a normal student who experienced making what seemed impossible, possible, she hopes to motivate others to believe in themselves to overcome obstacles in their lives from small stones to enormous mountains. As the saying goes, just do it, recklessly, passionately, to become stronger.

EunBin Seo's TEDx Talk:

My lessons from ramming my head on the ground | EunBin (Chloe) Seo | TEDxSeisenInternationalSchool

My lessons from ramming my head on the ground | EunBin (Chloe) Seo | TEDxSeisenInternationalSchool

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EunBin Seo
"My lessons from ramming my head on the ground"
Posted May 21, 2022
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